31 Tips To Increase Computer Speed

Nothing slows business
down more than a sluggish computer. Of course, Apple fans will be pleased to
note that there are not many tools for them here because, well, their machines
are often invincible.
When your once new
computer starts to become the "new clunker" in your life, it's time
to revise what junk and viral matter are slowing down the cogs in your machine.
22 Best Screen Recording Software For Windows

I am going to show you some of the best screen recording software for making video and taking screen snapshot. Some are free and others paid for available for Windows users. Screen recorder may be useful when you need to record the screen activity or making a video tutorial. You will have to just start the software and it will automatically start recording the whole activity on your screen. It works like as an internal camera. These screen recording softwares helps us a lot in creating tutorials, making presentation video, launching a YouTube channel, making a presentation video and more.

All antivirus software
misses a significant percentage of malware. This is because professional
malware writers design their malware and botnet ecosystems to self-update
whenever they start getting detected. While antivirus engines eventually sniff
out millions of malware variants, they're always one generation behind, failing
to spot the stuff that has been self-modified to avoid discovery.
Most people have
asked about that how to protect Facebook accounts from Hackers. Face book is
the most used Social
Networking platform
and its always on target for hackers. As you login to it every single day from
many devices, be it from your mobile phone, computer, laptop and office
workstation, there is a chance that you may leave your Face book account on
without logging out.

Phishing is one the hacker’s favorite attack method that they use to hack login id passwords. Today we will learn Popular Phishing
Techniques that
hackers nowadays use to hack social networking sites or email passwords. In
simple terms phishing is basically a method in which hacker uses Phish or fake
pages or fake applications to capture the sensitive information from victim.
100+ iMac Keyboard Shortcuts

Linux command line tools have help features, which can be pretty disturbing. However, cheat sheets exist, which can be a real life saver.
How To Increase Your Computer RAM

You can do things that
normally need a mouse, track pad, or other input device By pressing a
combination of keys.
To use a keyboard
shortcut, hold down one or more modifier keys while pressing the last key
of the shortcut. For example, to use the shortcut Command-C (copy), hold down
Command, press C, then release both keys. Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols
for certain keys, including the modifier keys.

Linux command line tools have help features, which can be pretty disturbing. However, cheat sheets exist, which can be a real life saver.
I have compiled
some of the most popular and frequently used penetration testing commands . It
should however be noted that this list isn’t comprehensive by any means, but a
good reference for some of the most commonly used commands to help put you on
the fast track to penetration testing in a Linux environment.
You have probably
heard of the face book and how people use it to grow their businesses...................
Add Border To Cells
PC: Alt+H, B
If you want to add an
outline (outer) border around your selected cells, just use this quick
Insert Table .........................
How To Increase Your Computer RAM

Virtual memory, also
known as the swap file, uses part of your hard drive to effectively expand your
RAM, allowing you to run more programs than it could otherwise handle. But a
hard drive is much slower than RAM, so it can really hurt performance. (I
discuss SSDs below.)
Your PC has storage, a
hard drive or SSDand memory in the form of RAM chips. RAM is faster than
storage, and you have much less of it. It’s also more volatile.
Here I have compiled
for you all keyboard short cuts you need for ms word
Ctrl+Shift+F6 …………………………… Switch to the previous
Ctrl+F10 …………………………………….Maximize or restore a selected
Alt+Print …………………………
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