15+ Symptoms Of A Malware Infection

15+ Symptoms Of A Malware Infection

All antivirus software misses a significant percentage of malware. This is because professional malware writers design their malware and botnet ecosystems to self-update whenever they start getting detected. While antivirus engines eventually sniff out millions of malware variants, they're always one generation behind, failing to spot the stuff that has been self-modified to avoid discovery.

Users justifiably complain that their antivirus (AV) program is inaccurate and misses obvious malware that pops up in front of their eyes. It’s especially annoying when this software clobbers performance in exchange for "protecting" the user.

Overall accuracy rates go up and down all the time, though some products score better than others ... for some period of time. But again, no AV product is 100 percent accurate. No product is going to be super-accurate over the course of an entire year.

Here Are Some Symptoms Of Malware I Have Compiled For You

Computer Slowdown

If it take longer than normal for your operating system to boot up and  you waiting too long for some of your programs to start then that is one of the signs of malware .
It is a known fact that malware has the tendency to slow down your operating system, your Internet speed or the speed of your applications.

If you notice something like this and you’re not using any resource-heavy program or application, check for other causes first. It may be a lack of RAM memory, a fragmented system, and a lack of space on your hard drive or maybe a hardware issue affecting your drive. If you have already thoroughly verified these possible causes and all seems fine, you can start considering a potential malware infection.

Pop-Ups That Persuade You To Download Antivirus Software.

If your computer has been infected by malware, you may receive pop-ups informing you that your system has been infected and you must download certain software to remove the virus.


When your programs or your system crash constantly or the infamous BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) appears regularly, it’s a clear warning that your system is not working properly and you should look into it.

 Things that can cause this type of issue include:
·        technical issue caused by a potential incompatibility between your software and/or hardware
·        It may be a malware issue.
If you suspect a technical issue, multiple software problems may lead to this.

Are you running various programs which may conflict with each other? Are there any orphaned registry keys which have not been removed that could down and eventually crash your system?

Orphaned registry keys are pieces of data information that have been left behind during the process of uninstalling several programs from your computer. They don’t only take up unnecessary space on the PC, but can represent a serious liability for the proper functionality of your computer. To clear them, you have the option of using the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) that can be opened in the search bar of Windows and then selecting the run command. The daunting part of this process is the fact that you have to manually remove these orphaned keys and this can be very tedious work for everybody.

I recommend you to run an automated cleaning session with the help of a specialized program such as CC Cleaner which is free. This will automatically scan missed and unused keys while also having the option to backup the data before the actual cleaning.

 After installing CCleaner, click the Registry icon select the items you want to remove, click on Scan for issues and a list of potential issues will be generated. Once the scan process is finished, you can review the list and click on Fix selected issues to solve the outstanding Registry issues. You will be asked to backup changes.

Use Anti Viruses

To find the best solution, check the antivirus test results run by big company names in the security industry, such as AV Comparatives,PC Magazine, AV-TEST or Virus Bulletin and select the best antivirus solution for your system.

Tampered Antivirus And Fire Walls

Verify whether your antivirus software and firewalls have been disabled. Some malware has the ability to temporarily disable the antivirus software and firewalls on your computer without your consent. 

Suspicious  Hard Drive Activity

Another warning sign of a potential malware infection on your system is the hard drive activity. If you notice that your disk continues to exhibit excessive activity even when you don’t use it and there is no program or download running at that moment, this could be the right time to check your system for malware.

We have to mention that another possible cause for the abnormal hard disk activity could be a hardware failure of the disk. You should also take this into consideration.

We should mention that it helps checking what programs and processes are constantly accessing your hard drive, so you can easily detect unusual activity.  

Unusual Error Massages

Keep track of any unusual error messages you may have received. Sometimes malware will corrupt your computer and cause it to display strange or unusual error messages when you try to use or access certain programs. 

Running Out Of Hard Drive Space

You need to check if your physical storage space has been increasing lately or if some of your files disappeared or changed their names.
This is another sign of malware activity, since there are numerous types of malicious programs which use various methods to fill up all the available space in the hard drive and cause it to crash.

Unusually High Network Activity

There are cases where the user is not connected to the Internet through his browser, and there is no program that may connect to online servers to download or upload any data, but high network activity can still be observed.

There Are Things That Need Checking before Jumping to Conclusions and These include any Windows update at that moment , any program or application that’s downloading or uploading any data any update for a certain app running at that moment and a large download that you started and forgot about, which may still be running in the background.

You should  also check where all that traffic is going.
To monitor your network, you can use one of the following programs GlassWire, Little Snitch or Wireshark.
To check for a malware infection, use a good antivirus product to check your system. 

New Browser Homepage And New Toolbars Without Your Input

There is that new change in the  home page and you don’t remember doing it yourself, a new toolbar pop out of nowhere and landed at top of your web browser.
You have tried to access your favorite blog, but you were redirected to a different address.

This usually happens when you visit a website and you accidentally click a link or a pop-up window. This triggers unwanted software to download and install on your device. Its effects are not only annoying, but also malicious.

Just run a complete scan with your security solution as soon as possible. Because these type of threats don’t go away easily. Make sure you run additional scans with specialized software, such as anti-spyware programs as the ones mentioned above.

Unusual Messages Or Programs That Start Automatically ,

If All of a sudden, you see programs opening and closing automatically ,Your Windows operating system shutting down without reason, If you notice strange windows in the booting process , If Windows informs you that you’ve lost access to some of your drives then you should get suspicious

Though the root cause may be a technical one, it could also be a sign that malware has compromised your system. If this is the case and you lost access to some important areas of your operating system, you need to prepare for the worst. These are the cases when a complete wipe and reinstall of the operating system is taken into consideration.

Your Security Solution Is Disabled

If your antivirus solution doesn’t seem to work anymore or if the Update module seems to be disabled, then check to see what happened immediately!

You should know that some types of malware are especially designed to disable security solutions, leaving you without any defense. If you already tried to reboot your computer, close and open the security solution and all your troubleshooting efforts were useless, you could consider the malware infection scenario.

This is especially the case since traditional antivirus solutions are sometimes unable to block and remove advanced malware, such as ransomware or financial malware. There are a couple of strong reasons why this is happening, and you should read about them, so you can enhance your protection by adding multiple layers.

For a more in-depth guide on how to remove all types of malware, not just spyware and adware, we recommend you check out our malware removal guide.

Strange Massages To Your Friends From You

When your friends tell you that they received emails from you or instant messages from your social media account, which often include attachments or links.

First check your Sent Items folder in your email/social media account to verify whether those emails or messages were sent from one of your accounts. If there’s nothing there, those messages could have been delivered from an application which is out of your control.
If you discover the messages were sent from one of your accounts, then, Make sure you logged out from all your accounts. We access the same accounts on our work computers, on our home laptops and of course, on our mobile devices. Since we log in to our favorite online accounts on so many devices, it can happen that sometimes we forget to log out. Therefore, always make sure to log out from your online accounts on all devices.

Set strong passwords for your accounts. Make sure you don’t use the same password for all your accounts! Even if you are hacked, having different passwords for each account will help you limit a potential loss. Make a habit of managing your passwords safely.

Use two-factor authentication where you can significantly increase your control over your accounts’ security. Using two-factor authentication means that, besides entering your credentials, you will also need to enter a code sent to your phone.

New Icons On Desktop And  Quickly Battery Life Drains

Noticing unknown and new icons on the desktop of your computer, you may have downloaded a piece of software that contains PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). Also known as PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications), these are software programs that you most likely didn’t want to install on your computer.

They are considered to be malware and can do a lot a damage by collecting private information, showing annoying ads or pop-ups on the desktop or adding toolbars on your browser. If infected with PUPs, you can use this useful guide to remove them from Windows.

If  your cell phone’s battery life is draining fast? You may have lots of applications and program running, such as games or streaming services, or, the worst scenario, it could be a virus infection affecting your device.

 This mainly happened because most of the devices didn’t receive the latest system updates, making them vulnerable to cyber attacks.

You See Unusual Error Messages

If you see unusual error messages saying that you have missing or corrupt files folders on your computer, it could be a warning sign that is infected with malware. These types of messages can suggest your PC has been compromised and affect its system performance, making the apps and programs run slowly. Pay attention to these errors, run an antivirus program and make sure your operating system is up to date.

If You Can’t Access The Control Panel, Task Manager, Registry Editor Or Command Prompt

If you find yourself in the situation when you can’t access the Control Panel, Task Manager, Registry Editor or Command Prompt. This is another sign that your computer is vulnerable and exposed to potential cyber attacks.
To keep your PC safe and protected, it’s recommended to run a full scan of your system using a good antivirus program. For more protection, we warmly suggest using a proactive security solution to keep your confidential information properly safe.

Everything Seems To Work Perfectly Normal

When it comes to keeping your data safe and secure, you need to be vigilant and careful, even if things might look normal. Unfortunately, there are some cases when different types of malware can hide their activity, leave no visible marks and still infect your computer. 

Everything may seem to work perfectly normal on your PC, until a bot on your system could silently await for instructions from ITS control and command system, accessing and collecting your personal information.


Enter Safe Mode

Before you do anything, you need to disconnect your PC from the internet, and don’t use it until you’re ready to clean your PC. This can help prevent the malware from spreading and/or leaking your private data.

If you think your PC may have a malware infection, boot your PC into Microsoft’s Safe Mode. In this mode, only the minimum required programs and services are loaded. If any malware is set to load automatically when Windows starts, entering in this mode may prevent it from doing so. This is important because it allows the files to be removed easier since they’re not actually running or active. 

Sadly, Microsoft has turned the process of booting into safe mode from a relatively easy process in Windows 7 and Windows 8 to one that is decidedly more complicated in Windows 10.
To boot into Windows Safe Mode, first click the Start Button in Windows 10 and select the Power button as if you were going to reboot, but don’t click anything. Next hold down the Shift key and click Reboot.

When the full-screen menu appears, select Troubleshooting, then Advanced Options, then Startup Settings. On the next window click the Restart button and wait for the next screen to appear (just stick with us here, we know this is long).

Next you will see a menu with numbered startup options; select number 4, which is Safe Mode. Note that if you want to connect to any online scanners you’ll need to select option 5, which is Safe Mode with Networking. 

You may find that your PC runs noticeably faster in Safe Mode. This could be a sign that your system has a malware infection, or it could mean that you have a lot of legitimate programs that normally start up alongside Windows. If your PC is outfitted with a solid state drive it’s probably fast either way. 
Delete Temporary Files

You can use Windows 10’s built-in disk cleanup utility to rid your system of unnecessary temp files. 

Before you do that, delete your temporary files. Doing this may speed up the virus scanning, free up disk space, and even get rid of some malware. To use the Disk Cleanup utility included with 

Windows 10 just type Disk Cleanup in the search bar or after pressing the Start button and select the tool that appears named Disk Cleanup.
Download Malware Scanners

Fortunately, running a scanner is enough to remove most standard infections. If you already had an antivirus program active on your computer, you should use a different scanner for this malware check, since your current antivirus software may not have detected the malware. Remember, no antivirus program can detect 100 percent of the millions of malware types and variants.

 You’re probably more familiar with real-time antivirus programs, which run in the background and constantly watch for malware. (Another option is an on-demand scanner, which searches for malware infections when you open the program manually and run a scan. You should have only one real-time antivirus program installed at a time, but you can have many on-demand scanners installed to run scans with multiple programs, thereby ensuring that if one program misses something a different one might find it.

If you think your PC is infected, we recommend using an on-demand scanner first and then following up with a full scan by your real-time antivirus program. Among the free (and high-quality) on-demand scanners available are 
  • BitDefender Free Edition,
  • Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool,
  • Malware bytes,
  • Microsoft’s Malicious Software Removal Tool,
  • Avast, and
  • SuperAntiSpyware.

So , There You Are With All You Need To Avoid Malware

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